Request for qualification for audit and tax services
The FIVCO Area Development District (hereinafter referred to as FIVCO) is accepting proposals to obtain the services of a public accounting firm, whose principal officers are independent certified public accountants, certified or licensed by a regulatory authority of a state or other political subdivision of the United States, hereinafter referred to as the “Offeror” to perform a financial and compliance audit as well as provide tax services for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025. The proposal will need to include an option for two additional years.
Title IID Health Promotion & Disease Prevention Services
The FIVCO Area Development District (ADD) and Area Agency on Aging and Independent Living (AAAIL) are accepting proposals to provide the Title IIID Evidence Based Health Promotion & Disease Prevention services within the FIVCO region. We will accept bids for this project until 4 p.m. on Jan. 15, 2025. We require all bidders to clearly represent their subcontracting intentions. All documents must be prepared and signed by those authorized to do so. Proposals can be sent electronically via email to or by mail to the FIVCO ADD office address list in the full RFP description.
USEPA Brownfield assessment grant RFP for bids
FIVCO Area Development District (FIVCO ADD) is applying for an EPA Brownfield Assessment Grant in the amount of $500,000 to support redevelopment of brownfields impacted by petroleum and other hazard substances in their 5- county area. FIVCO ADD is soliciting proposals (RFP) from qualified environmental engineering/consulting firms to assist FIVCO ADD with management and implementation of the grant funded environmental assessments and related tasks.