Regional Transportation Planning
Mission Statement
Our mission will be concerned with all modes of transportation within our geographic boundaries. Specifically, Public Involvement, Regional Committee Membership, and development and maintenance of our Project Identification Forms (PIFs). Also, we will assist our local governments, educate the public, and help develop the most effective and efficient transportation system to move goods and people within our five county region.
The FIVCO ADD Regional Transportation Committee’s (RTC) primary responsibility will be to support the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet’s (KYTC) statewide transportation planning process. The RTC is made up of our local elected officials, city/county officials, state government officials and concerned citizens from Lawrence, Carter, and Elliott Counties that are interested in providing the best transportation system to the residents of these counties. The RTC also works closely with the Highway District Offices in Flemingsburg and Pikeville to develop this system. The public is strongly encouraged to participate in our meetings and provide input on issues of transportation concerns.
The ADDs are concerned with all modes of transportation. The ADD conducts activities in support of transportation planning outside the nine (9) urbanized areas of the state. All planning within the nine (9) urbanized areas is the responsibility of the Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs). However, FIVCO ADD will coordinate any transportation planning activities in Boyd and Greenup Counties with the KYOVA Interstate Planning Commission in Huntington, WV.
FIVCO ADD also assists local communities in the grant writing process for programs such as the Transportation Enhancements, Land & Water Grants, and National Recreational Trails Grants. Additional tasks of the Regional Transportation Planner include data collection, traffic studies, and other transportation requests from local and state agencies.
For any transportation needs and/or concerns please contact:
Doug Pinkerton
(606) 929-1366
For more information regarding transportation needs in Boyd / Greenup Counties visit:
Transportation Documents
• Carol Malone Bi-Pass Socioeconomic Study
• EK Bikeway Map
• FIVCO ADD Title VI Plan
• FY 25 FIVCO Bike/Ped Plans (XLS)
• Grayson SUA Study
• KY – 168 Corridor Socioeconomic Study
• KY – 716 Corridor Socioeconomic Study
• KY’s FY 2020-2026 Recommended Highway Plan
• Public Involvement Plan (PIP)
• Regional Transportation Asset Review (RTAR)
• RTC By-Laws
• RTC Committee (XLSX)
• RTC Goals & Objectives
• RTC Planning FY 25 Schedule/Activities
• Socioeconomic Maps